Sunday, April 26, 2009

Let those days of Spring begin!

Oh how we have waited for warm weather, and now that it is here, our family is officially outside for the season. Last weekend we visited the Cleveland Zoo and burned off some winter weight walking. So this weekend we opted for a more calming experience. I am so glad that we did. We had a beautiful, beautiful, peaceful, and playful day. We met up with our prime outing partner, Erika, at the park area behind the museum of Art. We enjoyed a delicious (thanks Rey) picnic lunch followed by frolic and play in the grassy areas. After packing up we visited the fish and ducks and geese and walked along the lagoon in the front of the museum. We rounded off our day of play by sitting at the beautiful fountain and enjoying the spray from it and listening to the music from a festival going on across the street at Case Western. Hmm---wonder where we'll end up next weekend?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What is a parent to do

Well I came home from work and Robbyn was in the kitchen and Jay in his high chair. Laylah was no where to be seen. Which should of been my first clue. She normally runs towards me when I come home. Well she walks into the kitchen and.... You can see what we saw. We follow her to her room and well again you can see what we saw. I had a mixture of laughter and anger. I tried not to laugh looked at Robbyn and said you deal with it. She looked at me and said you deal with it. This is what happens when kids are left alone. I gues she was getting ready for Top Model tonight.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Easter outfit pictures

So we decided that Laylah was old enough for an Easter egg hung this year. We found this one done by the Italian club of Solon every year that is free and open to the public. They ask that you bring a canned good donation. Well it was held at the Solon High School football field and we got there early for a change. There was Elmo and the Easter Bunny himself there. Laylah was fearful as always of costumed guys but Robbyn got her to go up to both which was a surprise. We had so much fun and it was a great day.

For Easter we went to Robbyn's mother's church with her and back to her mother's house for dinner. A very quiet and relaxing day


Ok on to Mr. Jay well since permanent custody was granted of him we have had so many ups and downs. Here is the short versions.
We spent many a long day and terrified night thinking we would not get to adopt him. We are going to be adopting him soon and can't wait. The social worker will be here on Friday to do some more paperwork and we are hoping he will be officially ours by the end of May or early June.


OK here is a run down of what she has been up to since we took a break from posting.
We have been working on Potty training and we are somewhat successful. She usually will tell us while out in public but not at home. She is to busy and can't be bothered to stop at home to tell us. However potty training took a major step back in March when Laylah went into the hospital
On a Sunday Robbyn noticed a cyst about the size of a nickle on her hip. It was hard and it hurt her and we just thought it would drain on its own. By Thursday night she was limping and had a fever and it was about half her leg. We called the nurse line trying to get a next day appointment to the doctor they said bring her in to the ER. She was admitted and was put on IV antibiotics ever 12 hours then they increased it to every 6 hours. They put in a crib at first but she was terrified of it. I convinced them on that first day that she is almost 3 years old and has not been in a crib since before 2. They said she could get a bed but someone had to be with her at all times and we agreed. Robbyn and I were rotating staying in the hospital and spending the night. On Sunday morning they said it would need surgery because even though it was getting smaller it was not draining. Sunday afternoon we got a ton of drainage from it and I hoped surgery would not be needed.
Monday morning they came in and said the drainage from it was impressive but there was still infection in there and they needed to get it out surgery would be later that day. However the doctor said he was just a resident and would talk the attending because maybe they will delay the surgery since there was some drainage. Well at 10:00 am the nurse came in and asked if I had been told about surgery. I said they weren't sure if they were doing it or not. I also said we were told that since she was added to the schedule late her surgery would not be until the afternoon. She said they made up their mind and they are coming for her now. Robbyn made plans for Jay to be watched so that she could be there well that was a no go. I went down to pre op with her and they asked a bunch of questions then escorted me to the waiting room. I wanted to be in the room so bad but was not allowed. A nurse told be before hand that she would come get me when surgery began and again when I could be with her. Well the doctor came 10 agonising minutes later and said they were done. I later on saw the nurse and she said that it was over so quickly she did not have time to come get me.
Laylah was in the hospital till Wednesday afternoon after much prodding from me. The incision was only about two inches wide but very deep. A wick sterile strip of gauze was left in there to act as a wick to wet moisture and infection out as it healed from the inside out. They would remove a few inches a day and then cover it and they wanted to keep her while they removed it. I stated I could do that at home as I had to do something similar after Robbyn's C Section became infected. So they discharged her and we took the wick out and it took another 6 days of a few inches a day for it to be removed.
Before discharge they told us they did a culture on the fluid from her leg and it came back a staff infection. She was still getting antibiotics every 6 hours in the hospital and upon discharge we had to give her antibiotics for 9 more days.
With the cyst being on her hip she did not want to pull pants or pull ups up or down so she stopped saying when she need to go potty. I feel like we are starting from square one on the training. She is all healed now and doing great

A ver speical Thank you to Erika for bring Robbyn back and fourth to the hospital so that I could go home and get a shower, sleep etc. I know I said this then but but i really appreciate all that you did and do for us

Friday, April 17, 2009

First off I am so sorry we have not updated. I will do a big update of what has been happening this or next week.
However I had to do this today. Well Jay's hair has been getting really long a few weeks ago we cut the side with a pair of scissors because it was looking like a clown ridge. Well it kept growing as hair does and not looking so great. No matter what we did it was not working.
Well today I got fed up and started hacking at it. Well it was uneven so i got my beard and mustache trimmer put on a guard and started cutting. Here is the end result
I am so sad. I was not ready for this


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